
Cross-Sell and Upsell Conversions

Use Case

Use personalized videos to promote relevant products and services, enhancing the customer experience.


VidLab7 allows you to create personalized video messages that suggest relevant additional products or upgrades based on a customer’s purchase history and preferences. For example, after a customer purchases a product, you can send a personalized video thanking them for their purchase and recommending complementary products or premium upgrades that enhance their experience. This targeted approach ensures that customers receive recommendations that are truly relevant to them, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.


Increases cross-sell and upsell conversion rates by 30%, driving additional revenue. Personalized upsell and cross-sell strategies can increase average order values and customer lifetime value. Salesforce reports that personalized marketing can lead to a 20% increase in sales. By providing tailored recommendations, you not only boost sales but also enhance the customer experience, making them more likely to return and make future purchases.

Erfahrung Die Macht von Videoinhalten um Wachstum und Engagement voranzutreiben